OCP-1Z0-051 补充题库 第42题 DROP TABLE命令的影响

news/2024/7/7 20:50:16 标签: OCP-1Z0-051, 11g, DROP TABLE, 索引, 事务
You issue the following command to drop the PRODUCTS table:
SQL>DROP TABLE products;
What is the implication of this command? (Choose all that apply.)
A. All data in the table are deleted but the table structure will remain
B. All data along with the table structure is deleted
C. All views and synonyms will remain but they are invalidated

D. The pending transaction in the session is committed
E. All indexes on the table will remain but they are invalidated

答案: B,C,D

PRODUCTS表执行drop table products;命令,

2.基于这张表的索引会被删除,但是视图和同义词会被保留,详细可查看联机文档,关于drop table 的说明:
        If the table is a base table for a view, a container or master table of a materialized view, or if it is referenced in a stored procedure, function, or package, then the database invalidates these dependent objects but does not drop them. You cannot use these objects unless you re-create the table or drop and re-create the objects so that they no longer depend on the table.

        All table indexes and domain indexes are dropped, as well as any triggers defined on the table, regardless of who created them or whose schema contains them. If table is partitioned, then any corresponding local index partitions are also dropped.

3.drop table 是DDL语句,DDL语句会提交没有提交的事务




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